Welcome back to Influencer Interviews! I think as a great segway from last week with Naomi on working full time and being an influencer full time, this week’s interview topic is perfect!
This week we caught up with Joanna Adach, otherwise known as @the_essentialist_ on Instagram. Joanna also is a new addition to the Boost Society team in 2020, and we are super excited to have her joining us this week to discuss an important topid: to quit your job or not to quit your job, that is the question.
So Joanna, tell me a little bit about yourself, why you became an influencer and how you found your own voice in the saturated influencer world?
Hey! I am Joanna, a social media content creator who is based in the US. I love the art of photography and I am also very passionate about travelling. The combination of the two is what helped me create The Essentialist.
The Essentialist is a place where I share all my adventures, my favourite moments and anything in between. I became an influencer because I wanted to share my journey with anyone who was interested and hopefully inspire others to experience some of the things I have, knowing it would leave a huge impact on their lives!
What do you wish someone told you before becoming an influencer?
I wish someone had told me that not everyone is going to appreciate the things I share. This one may sound naive, but I try to share as many of my experiences in their most natural state as possible. It is painful to receive negative feedback at times when my intentions are pure. People won’t always share the same opinions as you, and that was eye-opening for me.
What was your previous job?
In my previous profession, I was a Registered Nurse! I graduated from nursing school and worked as a nurse for about 2-3 years. Then I transitioned into a full-time influencer.
When did you know you were ready to quit your job? What benefits does it have for your business?
I knew I was ready to quit my job when I had too many leads coming my way that I wasn’t able to handle with my job at the time. I felt like these opportunities could really make a stamp in the influencer world. One day I decided that I didn’t want to continue to turn them down any longer because I saw a lot of potential in my brand.
This brought many benefits for my business. For example, it allows me to know my worth and also pushes me to work harder knowing that I left a great career in hopes of creating a better one.
What is it like to leave your job with an unknown future? Was it worth it?
It was definitely a little scary in the beginning, and it still is at times. The industry is so new, always changing and there are just so many unknowns. At the same time, it felt liberating and thrilling.
It was absolutely worth it as this career has given me the opportunity to really shine as a creator. It also brought out sides of me that I never knew existed. My job pushes me every single day and it’s a feeling I never want to let go of!
Who was your inspiration and why?
My inspiration was Leonie Hanne, previously known as Ohhcouture. I had started following her a couple of years ago and was taken back by her beautiful and bright photos. I also witnessed her grow and create a brand around herself that was incredibly inspirational to see.
I would listen to her advice, visit the places she recommended and eat the food she ate. I would go on my social media and see her photos every day and think to myself, “I want to inspire others how she has inspired me.”
What advice can you give to entrepreneurs like yourself?
The best advice I can give to anyone is to go for anything you are passionate about. Don’t focus on what others might advise you or what they may think. Just trust your gut and follow your heart. Create your own story and your own journey and let your soul be your guidance.
I want to personally thank Joanna for taking the time to share some of her advice and insights with us. Please go give her a follow at @the_essentialist_ and hopefully you have learned something on the taking the leap of faith and going all-in on your side hustle full time.
Comment below if you have recently taking the leap to make your side hustle your full-time gig or if you are thinking about it and what is holding you back. The Boost community is here to support!
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