Influencer Management Application
You have a new influencer application.
[field id=”first_name”] just submitted an application.Application
- First Name: [field id=”name”]
- Last Name: [field id=”last_name”]
- Email Address: [field id=”email”]
- Phone Number: [field id=”phone”]
- Website/Blog: [field id=”website_blog”]
- Instagram: [field id=”instagram”]
- TikTok [field id=”tiktok”]
- YouTube: [field id=”Youtube”]
- Tell Us About Yourself: [field id=”Youtube”]
- Are you currently getting paid brand partnerships?: [field id=”Youtube”]
- How much money are you making on average per month on brand partnerships?: [field id=”Youtube”]
- What brands have you done paid partnerships in the last six months?: [field id=”Youtube”]
- What are you looking for in Boost Society?: [field id=”Youtube”]
- What are your goals over the next five years?: [field id=”Youtube”]